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We are an international group with a proudly local perspective, boasting 11 locations in 3 countries: Italy, Spain, and Brazil. We are the largest network of higher education in the creative field to have maintained a global outlook and a deeply Italian cultural matrix since 1966.

Our educational experience has evolved over time but continues to be based on a simple and effective model: combining theory with practice and the knowledge brought into the classroom by professionals from the working world. We teach our students to stay a step ahead in the present.

We are an inclusive and transdisciplinary school that uses design as a universal language for change. We have partnerships with universities and academies and are members of major international academic networks such as Cumulus, Elia, and WDO.

The Francesco Morelli Foundation owns all the companies that make up the IED Group. In Italy, the IED Group is represented by its parent company, IED S.p.A., which we transformed into a Benefit Corporation in 2022 to formalize our positive impact on society and the planet.

By creating IED S.B.p.A., we have incorporated into our corporate goals what has always been part of our DNA: generating shared value for the community and the environment, and committing to operate responsibly, sustainably, and transparently towards people, communities, territories and the environment, cultural and social assets and activities, entities and associations, and other stakeholders.

Instagram: @ied_official

Facebook: @IEDesign

LinkedIn: Istituto Europeo di Design

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